Livestock Benefits

Whether you have a small number of animals or a commercial operation, growing hydroponic fodder with a FodderPro Feed System will benefit your farm or business. Hydroponic fodder is a green feed option that will help fine tune your animals' digestion process and allow farmers to reap the rewards of lower costs and improved livestock performance.



Fresh fodder is highly digestible and packed with essential nutrients, making it an ideal addition to any alpaca farm. By including sprouted fodder as a supplemental feed, farmers can reduce the amount of hay and other forages required in daily rations.
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Across both the dairy and beef industries, feeding fodder to cattle will significantly reduce feed costs due to the increased nutrient availability in fresh fodder sprouts. By growing fodder, not only will you need less feed, it is also inexpensive to produce, saving money and increasing profitability.
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Feeding green fodder sprouts grown in a FodderPro Feed System will mimic fresh pasture for horses. Fresh pasture has nutritional benefits for horses and has a calming effect on them, resulting in better temperament and increased overall health and wellbeing.
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Growing and supplying fodder as a consistent feed will allow farmers to gain control over the quality and consistency of the milk, meat and fiber products produced when raising goats. Feeding fodder will ensure the best production results year after year, regardless of climate changes.
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As a full poultry feed, fodder is a tremendous, low-cost alternative to traditional ration options. Feeding fodder to poultry, from broilers to layers will not only reduce feed costs but also improve the overall quality of meat and eggs for market.
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Reduce health issues by supplying affordable, hydroponically grown fodder to your sheep. With a fodder-based diet, you can easily gain control over the quality and consistency of the meat and fiber products produced from raising sheep.
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FodderPro Feed Systems allow swine operations to grow fresh livestock feed that is high in protein, essential nutrients and amino acids for just pennies a pound. Adding fodder to hog diets will result in quality, high-grade end products.
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