
Ryegrass is a highly palatable and protein-rich grass that is grown primarily for pasture and silage. It is valued for its high nutrient composition and digestibility. Due to its excellent nutritional quality it is commonly used as pasture for lactating dairy cows. Sprouted ryegrass fodder contains many of the same benefits of its more mature, pasture-grown counterpart and the feed value of ryegrass fodder is highly comparable to corn.

Feeding ryegrass fodder to livestock also offers these benefits:

  • High in crude protein
  • Protein and nutrients are highly digestible
  • Feed value comparable to corn

Ryegrass is an excellent option for sprouting fodder, however since most of the seed production occurs in the Pacific Northwest, it may not be available in your area. Ryegrass should also not be confused with the cereal grain, rye. Alternatives to ryegrass include:

  • Barley
  • Wheat

Did you know?

Ryegrass is typically blended with crimson clover to provide the most complete ration to livestock. Put your magnifying glass away because this isn't the right type to find a four-leafed clover.
Ryegrass should not be confused with rye. Rye is a cereal grain that is closely related to barley and wheat. It is grown for its grains and as forage.
When purchasing ryegrass seed for your FodderPro Feed System, make sure to buy seed that is endophyte free, endophyte beneficial or endophyte friendly. This is especially important for horses. Endophytes are bacteria or fungi that live within the plant material and can cause ryegrass staggers when consumed by livestock. Ryegrass staggers is a neurotoxic condition that affects several species of livestock and horses and causes incoordination, jerky movements and tremors. This condition can be fatal in severe cases.

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